Friday, February 27, 2015


First, they came for your healthcare (ACA).  Then they came for your children (Common Core).  Now they control all communications (Net Neutrality) and the only thing standing in the way of a complete "transformation" of America is the Second Amendment. The Rule of Law was thrown out the window today when the path for confirmation of Loretta Lynch was cleared to become the new AG.   The onslaught against your right to keep and bear arms is already well underway with executive orders limiting importation of certain firearms, banning commonly used ammunition for over 40 years, and pressuring financial institutions to deny credit and other services to firearms dealers.  This is happening because there is no effective political opposition to anything that is done by the President with his cellphone and his pen.  He actually doesn't even have to sign an executive order.  He can simply signal to his sycophants in every major administrative agency that they should enact or modify their regulations in order to accomplish his proclamations.  Shame on every politician who campaigned on the promise that they would do everything within their power to change course and get us back on track to being a Constitutional Republic.  You lied, plain and simple and all of your "double speak" will not alter that fact.  We are at this terrible place in our country's history because you enabled fascism to take root.  You have remained silent in the face of evil.