Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Stop with the #NeverTrump Nonsense

Let’s clear the air.  The Donald was never my first choice as the Republican nominee for POTUS.  As a self-proclaimed “constitutional conservative” there are many grounds for objection that easily come to mind when considering his positions on a wide range of issues.  I also understand the commitment and passion to principles that many feel are not shared by Mr. Trump.  That having been said, I firmly believe that the time has come to unify around the presumptive nominee.

First of all, the #NeverTrump movement is just nonsense.  The minority of Republicans who say they will never, ever vote for Trump argue that he is not a conservative and their adherence to principle is more important than anything else.  These are the same Republicans however who have earned the moniker of “RINO” because they have supported other candidates who repeatedly broke their promises to us over the last several election cycles.  These are the same Republicans who told us that no candidate is perfect, and even though we had been politically defrauded multiple times, they said the most important thing is that “we elect Republicans”.  “Just give us the House and Senate so we can implement our conservative policies!”  I guess that means vote for the candidates that we want you to vote for.  The rejection of Trump because he doesn’t measure up to these purists, is just another demonstration of their glaring hypocrisy. 

Perhaps the most moronic claim made by the anti-Trump crowd that I hear is “I’m not voting for Trump or Clinton because there’s no difference between the two.”  Are you kidding me?  I have to wonder if these people have been living under a rock for the last eight years.  This is the same woman who really did wage a “war on women” to protect her husband from all the bimbo eruptions during his administration.  Every foreign policy failure can be laid at the feet of Hillary Clinton including the rise of ISIS, and the collapse of Libya.  This is the same woman who lied to us all in blaming Benghazi on an internet video.  And then, when our Ambassador and three other Americans died, she looked their relatives in the eye and lied to them as well.  This is the Secretary of State who implemented policies that brought down a stable and friendly regime in Egypt with the express intent of putting the Muslim Brotherhood in power.  Hillary has fully supported every questionable action and policy of Obama including the implementation of ObamaCare, the politicization of the Department of Justice, the attack on the Second Amendment, the overreaching by the EPA and BLM through regulatory fiat, targeting of conservatives by the IRS, the surge of unaccompanied minors across our southern border, the emigration of unvetted Syrian “refugees”, and pushing the global-weather change-warming-cooling agenda including its consequences of wealth redistribution and the destruction of American manufacturing.  Oh, and did I mention the pay-for-play corruption of the Clinton Foundation, and the compromise of national security by keeping secret and classified emails on a private unsecure server? 

No my friends, Donald Trump is no Hillary Clinton.  Not even close.  Unlike Hillary Clinton, The @realDonaldTrump does not have an ingrained, visceral hatred for our country.  He doesn’t hate the military and law enforcement.  He doesn’t hate Jews.  I believe that in his heart he does want to “Make America Great” again.  At least with Trump you can talk to the guy and you might have a chance to get him to actually change or moderate some of his positions.  With Hillary Clinton you don’t have a chance.  She is a Left wing zealot and would be the 3rd term of Barack Obama.  Most importantly if you really want to destroy our Republic, just vote for Hillary, or withhold your vote from Trump, because the next POTUS will determine the makeup of the SCOTUS.  Your right to keep and bear arms, and to have any chance of controlling the scope of control the central government has over your lives will be set back for generations. 

There is a difference between Trump and Clinton.  It is huge.  There is no comparison.  Now is the time to unite against Hillary.  The only way to be effective, to save our country, and to have your vote count, is to actually vote, and vote for Trump.

Friday, February 26, 2016

My views on the CNN - GOP debate in Texas

My thoughts on the CNN GOP debate:

Well, I haven't really discussed my views on this election cycle, but there's not much time left before the Republican nominee is chosen, so I thought I'd throw out my thoughts on last night's debate:

Overall, I don't think the debate performance of any of the candidates changed or will change their standings. The biggest dumb-ass reward goes to the Telemundo gal who spent her whole time giving a speech, citing questionable polling, and then asking each person on stage "Do you get it?"

Trump - probably the worst performance I've ever seen in a debate. Doubled down on praising Planned Parenthood, and equating the Palestinians with Israel. Nothing of substance. But Trumpians are rabid, and they can't stop frothing at the mouth. Notwithstanding this, the Drudge poll still had Trump winning by over 60%. Go figure.

Rubio - the Cuban motormouth. This guy talks so fast and throws together so many subjects at 100 mph that I can't help but thinking he's got a stash of cocaine somewhere he regularly dips into. I do believe on a majority of issues, Rubio has been a conservative voter, but I have no faith in him on the issue of immigration. On that subject he has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the donor-class. He's flipped depending on who he's talking to, as noted by his speeches given in Spanish vs English. He has attacked the border patrol and immigration enforcement officials who have pointed out how he betrayed them during the fight over the Gang of Eight bill. For me, immigration is such an important issue to the security of our country, that I cannot bring myself to support Rubio. I just don't trust him.

Cruz - again, probably the smartest guy up there. Full of substance. Consistent in his message. Not afraid to take politically incorrect positions. He's my first pick.

Kasich - I wish this guy would just drop out already. Want to know what he did in Ohio? Too bad, because even if you didn't, he'll tell you. The problem is that he's a Statist who loves Common Core, and actually believes ObamaCare is divinely inspired. He crowed about a new bill in Ohio that rewards doctors for charging below the mean while providing care to "keep you healthy". Of course he doesn't say that his plan still has government calling the winners and losers. And where does that reward money come from? He's a squishy guy without a plan or solution except to call a meeting with a bunch of people.

Carson - I love the man but if I watch him too long, I'll fall asleep. This is the only guy I know who can talk while in a coma. I think he could be a good President, but he just doesn't exude leadership.

All the above having been said, I would vote for the Republican nominee whoever it is. I will never support the Bitch of Benghazi or the Sycophant of Stalin.

Friday, October 2, 2015

It's Time to Deal with Car Violence

There were over 10,000 deaths caused by cars operated by drunk drivers in 2014. It's time for us to confront the rising tide of car violence plaguing our country. Many of these deaths were caused by cars with automatic transmissions which allows rapid acceleration just by pushing the pedal to the metal without having to manually change gears. We need to ban interstate sales of cars, ban the manufacture of cars with automatic transmissions, and require background checks of all persons engaged in private sales. We need to close the car show loophole now! We don't need to ban cars, but we do need some "common sense" laws. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of this senseless car violence. Thank you.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



A few years back my wife sent me an email thread that she'd been having with my accountant at the time.  He was an excellent CPA, but until I read their exchange, I had no idea what an uber-Liberal and Obama sycophant he was.  Like most knee jerk Progressives, my opposition to Obama's policies was seen as racist.  I felt compelled to respond.  Below is my response to my former CPA. 


Dear Mikey:

Carole sent me the “thread” you two have written to each other.  I just want to interject my thoughts at this point.  First of all, if we’re going to have any discussion of a political nature, it has to be an honest one.  I frankly thought it was a cheap shot to ask Carole if Obama were “evil”.  It’s a non relevant question that doesn’t advance the conversation.  It’s a diversion.  Just like questions of Obama’s citizenship are a diversion.  In the meantime, the private sector is being crushed, jobs are being destroyed, and the country is going bankrupt.  How dare you suggest that her legitimate concerns, and mine as well, are driven by “anger”.  Again, another distraction from the truth. 

Just because I and Carole may not favor a government controlled, centralized, top-down health care system, doesn’t translate into throwing the sick, sore, lame, and disabled into the street to starve or freeze to death.  Your tacit argument that says “anything” is better than what we had, is intellectually lazy. Sure things needed reform, but not replacement.  The same private employer-based system of insurance you abhor somehow managed to produce the highest level of health care treatment for its citizens, and a life span that increased year to year. Now what have we got?  A bureaucracy  larger than anything we’ve ever seen that  seizes property from its citizens without their consent; dictates the level of care that can be provided and what treatment you may or may not be allowed to have; and adds ten trillion dollars to the debt while destroying MediCare.  Your well intended compassion produced a bill that was produced by the most corrupt political process in modern times, in the middle of the night, with no transparency.  One thing I have to say positive about Nancy Pelosi is that at least she doesn’t try to hide how dopey she is.  She puts it right out there...”we have to pass the bill before we find out what’s in it.”  If ObamaCare is so damn good, why is this administration granting hundreds if not thousands of waivers?  Who is benefiting from those waivers and who’s going to pay for them?

As for your comments about those terrible bankers and arbitragers, I’d suggest you do some reading about “crony capitalism”.  Then you’ll know why the same people from Goldman Sachs that Bush the Devil relied on permeate this administration at all levels.  Hey, how about the deal that Jeff Imelt and GE got?  $15B and no taxes.  While we’re at it, let’s let the government take over the country’s largest car maker and screw the bond holders in the process, reversing over 100 years of bankruptcy law.  Fantastic. And now the government wants to sell its GM stock at a loss of billions of dollars to the taxpayers.  Can you say U.A.W. health and welfare trust?  Our Punk in Chief in our present miserable economic climate doesn’t have any problem rewarding his union buddies by having the NLRB sue Boeing to prevent their expansion, and creation of over a thousand new jobs in South Carolina.  And where was Obama when the Communists, Socialists, and Unionists took over the capitol building in Wisconsin?  Did he condemn the vile language and death threats?  Did he blink an eye when the “protesters” wreaked over a million dollars in damages, and defaced a memorial to veterans?  Nope, no way Jose`.  But he can step out in front of a microphone during an official press conference and refer to American citizens as “tea-baggers”.  Ask one of your friends in the gay community what a tea-bagger means.

Since we’re on the subject, don’t ya think that was just wonderful shutting down the whole gulf oil drilling and exploration?  While you’re at it, do some more research into how many jobs were actually destroyed now, and permanently because of that?  But don’t let that stop the insanity.  Let’s loan $2B to Brazil to drill in the gulf where American companies are forbidden to drill from.  How’s that $4+/gal gasoline working out for you?  And don’t tell me it’s “speculators” driving up the cost of oil.  It’s the Federal Reserve monetizing our currency that is the “peg” for oil prices worldwide that is resulting in the hike. Yep, it’s the economy stupid.  Bush may have signed onto TARP (a total failure) but your boy Obama supported it too.  Then of course he had his own stimulus which as we all now see was another smashing failure. He promised that if we gave him a couple of trillion dollars he’d solve  all our problems (even those caused by Bush).  He also promised several times that he’d “cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term”.  He’ll say anything he needs to say even if it’s the exact opposite of what he is actually doing. 
Oh yeah, and how’s that Libya thing going?  “Splain me Lucy” why we give $25M to rebels who may have significant links with Al Queda.  If we went into Libya to prevent the massacre of innocents, why aren’t we rushing to the aid of the really courageous people rebelling in Syria or Iran? 

And for God’s sake, stop blaming Bush.  All you touchy-feely liberals never take responsibility for your actions.  Lot’s of world leaders including Bush honestly believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.  Did you forget that Hussein had used them on his own people?  And what happened to the thousand of liters of weaponized  anthrax your beloved UN said he had?  At least Bush went to Congress before he went to war.  I don’t recall Obama following the Constitution when he went into Libya.

You want to know why I am angry?  It’s not because Obama is half white. I look around after almost two years, and from what I see, I know the country is NOT going in the right direction.  And I look at this administration and I see card carrying Communists, Unionists and socialists who attack this country every day, including our military, and our citizens.  May I suggest you do some research on some of the past and present presidential aides, advisers, and “czars”.  Van Jones, Cass Sunstein, Valerie Jarret, Richard Trumpka, Andy Stern, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers.  All I see is Obama running around telling the whole world that America is a bad place and that we really need to change things.  I will tell you what I believe and why I am deeply opposed to Obama.  I believe Obama is a punk.  He’s an angry community organizer that was mentored by Communists in his youth (read his auto biography) and continued to purposefully surround  himself with “revolutionaries”.  He is a ruthless thug.  He is a vicious political operative.  He plays the race card, gender card, religion card, and class card anytime he finds it advantageous.  He seeks to coercively re-distribute income based on his own conceptions of fairness.  Just listen to what he told “Joe the Plumber”. He insults the Supreme Court which is supposed to be a co-equal branch of government in his State of the Union address.  He has no respect for the Constitution and has publicly expressed his resentment that the Constitution is a limitation on the powers of government to act. This is an administration that can’t call a Muslim army officer who yells “Allah akbar” and kills and wounds dozens of soldiers and people a terrorist.  And he equates immigrants who came to this country through Ellis Island, with those who sneak across the border.

I wouldn’t calI Obama “evil” just as I wouldn’t call Karl Marx or Friedrich Engels evil. But I do believe he’s destroying the country I love.  He told us he’s going to “fundamentally transform America”.  I will do anything within law to stop him from accomplishing that goal. 

So my friend, you can continue to fiddle while Rome burns.  Continue drinking the Kool-Aid and buy the propaganda that anything the present administration and Obama does is just fine.  Not me.  Just don’t confuse my or Carole’s resistance and opposition to the policies of Barry Soetoro as something shallow, misguided, or racist.



Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Why we need cops and guns

I find it quite disturbing that there seems to be two very ugly trends taking place right now.  The first is a coordinated attack on local police departments.  This is accomplished by community organizing activities often with the guidance of professional agitators, that casts all police departments as being racist or engaging in racial profiling. To make things worse, the DOJ then is either called in to investigate and take control or they just decide to do it themselves.  The second ugly trend is an all out attack on the Second Amendment.  This administration has signed international trade agreements and treaties that call for outright disarmament of civilian populations. The President has indicated he will act in accordance with these agreements with or without Senate approval.  Within the last week, using his pen, and the obsequious and powerful federal agencies at his disposal, regulations have been issued which severely impact an individual's’ exercise of their constitutional rights.  So you may ask “Why is this happening?”  The answer is rather straightforward.  The administration has less than two years left to accomplish the “fundamental transformation” of America.  In order to achieve its goal of complete, central, and authoritarian power in that time, the people must be rendered defenseless.  And there you have it.  Destroy local police departments and take away everyone’s firearms. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

RINO Treachery Post-Mortem

By Rick Fineberg

June 1, 2015

It's bad enough that the Nevada Legislature just approved the largest tax hike in history, now I just heard on the radio that they're thinking of raising the minimum wage after previously refusing to do so.

Honestly folks, I can't tell the difference anymore between the Progressive Socialists aka Democrats and the establishment donor class Republicans. I do have more respect for the Democrats because they don't try to hide who they are. On the other hand we have a number of RINO hypocrites running around and campaigning to get elected that they're the "most conservative" politicians who will uphold the principles of free markets, limited government, and individual liberty. They profess to be ardent supporters of the Second Amendment. They champion their support for less regulation on business and that they will "sunset" temporary taxes. They bloviate about the dangers of enacting margin taxes that will be job killers.

To put it mildly, they were all less than truthful.

If the Governor had asked for your vote so that he could raise your taxes by $1.5 billion, would you have voted for him? Did he tell you when he first ran for office that he'd be all in for ObamaCare, that he'd be all in for the expansion of Medicaid, and that he'd push Common Core down your throats?

When Pat Hickey ran for the Assembly, did he tell you he would author a bill that would give drivers' licenses to illegal aliens? Did he tell you that he'd vote to extend taxes which were promised to sunset three times, and then vote to make those tax increases permanent?

Did Greg Brower tell you that he would run his committee just like Harry Reid and prevent bills like campus carry from even getting a hearing?

Did John Hambrick warn you that he'd do a complete about face and break almost every promise he'd made?

There's a great deal of anger at what has just happened in our legislature, and I share that anger. It's justifiable anger too. These turncoat politicians are clearly tone deaf to the will of the people who rejected higher taxes just last November by an 80% margin. What's even worse is that just like POTUS, they demonstrate an almost psychopathic narcissism and arrogance about their actions. In a kind of disconnect from reality, they cloak their treachery with claims that are patently false. With a straight face they proclaimed that the increase payroll and modified business taxes "wouldn't be harmful". But perhaps the most dangerous and yet subtle canard is that these tax hikes are "needed", and that we have to provide more funding for "the children".

Our State Controller, Ron Knecht and Assemblyman Jim Wheeler took up the Governors' challenge and proposed an alternative budget that would not have increased taxes at all. And if you go back and look at newspapers from the last 30 years, you'll find the education establishment during each and every election cycle whining that they need more tax dollars.

All I can say is no more excuses. Hold on to your anger. Don't forget this betrayal. Make sure every politician who broke their promise to you on these very important issues is challenged when they run for election again. Never believe anything they say again. Never contribute to them. Write letters to your newspapers expressing your disgust with these politicians for what they have done, and also when homes are lost, businesses close, and people lose their jobs.

Most importantly, talk to your neighbors and strangers every chance you get and educate them. Inform them of the issues and how they will be affected. Remind them how important it is to vet candidates for office and look at their records and actions and not just listen to their empty rhetoric.

Thanks for allowing me to vent my frustration. I feel a little better now. God bless us all.

Friday, February 27, 2015


First, they came for your healthcare (ACA).  Then they came for your children (Common Core).  Now they control all communications (Net Neutrality) and the only thing standing in the way of a complete "transformation" of America is the Second Amendment. The Rule of Law was thrown out the window today when the path for confirmation of Loretta Lynch was cleared to become the new AG.   The onslaught against your right to keep and bear arms is already well underway with executive orders limiting importation of certain firearms, banning commonly used ammunition for over 40 years, and pressuring financial institutions to deny credit and other services to firearms dealers.  This is happening because there is no effective political opposition to anything that is done by the President with his cellphone and his pen.  He actually doesn't even have to sign an executive order.  He can simply signal to his sycophants in every major administrative agency that they should enact or modify their regulations in order to accomplish his proclamations.  Shame on every politician who campaigned on the promise that they would do everything within their power to change course and get us back on track to being a Constitutional Republic.  You lied, plain and simple and all of your "double speak" will not alter that fact.  We are at this terrible place in our country's history because you enabled fascism to take root.  You have remained silent in the face of evil.