Friday, February 26, 2016

My views on the CNN - GOP debate in Texas

My thoughts on the CNN GOP debate:

Well, I haven't really discussed my views on this election cycle, but there's not much time left before the Republican nominee is chosen, so I thought I'd throw out my thoughts on last night's debate:

Overall, I don't think the debate performance of any of the candidates changed or will change their standings. The biggest dumb-ass reward goes to the Telemundo gal who spent her whole time giving a speech, citing questionable polling, and then asking each person on stage "Do you get it?"

Trump - probably the worst performance I've ever seen in a debate. Doubled down on praising Planned Parenthood, and equating the Palestinians with Israel. Nothing of substance. But Trumpians are rabid, and they can't stop frothing at the mouth. Notwithstanding this, the Drudge poll still had Trump winning by over 60%. Go figure.

Rubio - the Cuban motormouth. This guy talks so fast and throws together so many subjects at 100 mph that I can't help but thinking he's got a stash of cocaine somewhere he regularly dips into. I do believe on a majority of issues, Rubio has been a conservative voter, but I have no faith in him on the issue of immigration. On that subject he has been bought hook, line, and sinker by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the donor-class. He's flipped depending on who he's talking to, as noted by his speeches given in Spanish vs English. He has attacked the border patrol and immigration enforcement officials who have pointed out how he betrayed them during the fight over the Gang of Eight bill. For me, immigration is such an important issue to the security of our country, that I cannot bring myself to support Rubio. I just don't trust him.

Cruz - again, probably the smartest guy up there. Full of substance. Consistent in his message. Not afraid to take politically incorrect positions. He's my first pick.

Kasich - I wish this guy would just drop out already. Want to know what he did in Ohio? Too bad, because even if you didn't, he'll tell you. The problem is that he's a Statist who loves Common Core, and actually believes ObamaCare is divinely inspired. He crowed about a new bill in Ohio that rewards doctors for charging below the mean while providing care to "keep you healthy". Of course he doesn't say that his plan still has government calling the winners and losers. And where does that reward money come from? He's a squishy guy without a plan or solution except to call a meeting with a bunch of people.

Carson - I love the man but if I watch him too long, I'll fall asleep. This is the only guy I know who can talk while in a coma. I think he could be a good President, but he just doesn't exude leadership.

All the above having been said, I would vote for the Republican nominee whoever it is. I will never support the Bitch of Benghazi or the Sycophant of Stalin.