Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Impact of ObamaCare: Taxing Your Firearms/Ammo out of Existence

Conservatives still reeling from Chief Justice John Roberts's decision to uphold the 2,700-page ObamaCare legislation as a Federal tax are rightly worried that Roberts opened the door to unlimited Federal coercion of the American public through the tax code. One possibility that should generate grave concern is that the Federal government could use to the tax code to undermine the Supreme Court's landmark decisions affirming Second Amendment rights in Heller v. D.C. and McDonald v. Chicago. This is not a new idea; it is an old one. The New York Times reported in 1993 that the late Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan (D-NY) proposed adding a 10,000% Federal tax to 9mm handgun ammunition as part of "HillaryCare." Yes, you read that correctly; it is not a typo. Ten thousand percent. Did John Roberts just open the door for a future Democratic Congress to actually enact such a tax as part of ObamaCare? Of course, like most left-wing Democratic proposals, the truly rich would be unaffected. The goal of the gun-controllers has never been total disarmament, just the disarmament of the common man. The rich will always have a loophole, a political connection, or be able to hire private armed security firms. A truly wealthy person – say, a Warren Buffett – could easily pay a 10,000 per cent tax on a box of handgun ammunition, and it would be an absolute bargain if he ever had to use it to save his life. But most people would probably not be able to afford it – and they'd just have to submit to the will of the armed criminal who stole his ammunition or purchased it on the black market without paying the tax. (It may be recalled that, when the FDR administration was trying to circumvent the Second Amendment with the National Firearms Act that would be passed in 1934, a sympathetic SCOTUS justice suggested they could do so by couching it as a tax, albeit a prohibitive one.) http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2012/07/can_government_now_tax_handgun_ammunition_10000.html 

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