Sunday, September 1, 2013

Obama bans re-importation of WW II rifles

Once again, King Obama has decided that Congress is totally irrelevant and has decided to take “executive action” to control “gun violence”.  By diktat he has now banned the re-importation of long rifles from WWII which were supplied to our allies. This will apply to Garand carbines and the M1A and will essentially result in the destruction of the CMP program.  When Obama made his announcement, I was curious as to just how many crimes had been committed with these rifles.  The answer is “zero” though our fearless leader failed to mention that statistic.  So under the guise of controlling “gun-violence” which is supposed to be a good thing, why is the president using the power and prestige of his office to act in a totally meaningless way?  It doesn’t require much analysis to see that there is a complete disconnect between what Obama is doing, and what goal or principle his action is intended to promote.  This is just another bitch-slap to the Constitution and move towards complete disarmament of the civilian population.

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