Sunday, December 15, 2013

Why the Murray-Ryan budget deal is no deal at all.

The problem with the Murray-Ryan budget:

The biggest problem is that no meaningful action is being taken because congressional Republicans are petrified of being slammed in the main stream media. They play defensively always, hoping that they can just make it to the next election. In the meantime, while Republicans are wringing their hands over the best "strategy" to employ until the next election, the Progressives aka Communists are further entrenching themselves in the bureaucracy and autocratic agencies that use regulations with the force of law to wreck the economy and advance their wealth redistribution schemes. As an example, note how the Republican establishment attacks other members of the party for trying to defund or repeal ObamaCare. They whine and cry and say "It's futile!". In the meantime the administration, in spite of all the spectacular failures that we're seeing, is charging right along for full and complete implementation of the ACA. In fact, this Murray-Ryan budget guarantees full funding for ObamaCare, and lowers the threshold in the Senate to vote on and approve new taxes. Give me a break!

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