Monday, September 15, 2014

Where's the outrage?

Riddle me this! Every day some lie, fabrication, or falsehood published by the government is revealed.  And it's not just about the small stuff.  It's about the really serious stuff that matters. We know we're hearing a lie when we're told that our southern border is "more secure than ever"; there's not a "smidgen of evidence" of corruption at the IRS; or that a "disgusting internet video"  was responsible for the death of  four American patriots in Benghazi. And let's not forget "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan".  Nobody I know is feeling more secure today than they were six years ago. So the question is this.... Why aren't people marching on Washington? Why haven't the villagers grabbed to their pitchforks and torches and filled the streets as they close in on Frankenstein mansion?

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