Monday, December 22, 2014

Prelude to Anarchy

Prelude to Anarchy                                                                                December 22, 2014

I have to wonder if the assassination of the two policemen in NYC could have been avoided.  It's hard to say of course, and any comment would be speculation.  However, I think I can certainly say that something is wrong when our leaders actually encourage what former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani referred to as "an atmosphere of police hatred".

Given such a volatile environment, why are not laws related to "Incitement to Riot" being enforced?  This is not protected speech.  What we are seeing is a call to violence against police officers.  When the crowd begins to chant "Kill the cops NOW!" , the gathering should be declared an illegal assembly, the crowd should be dispersed, resistors should be arrested and charged, and the Marxist, Islamist, Race-Baiter with the bullhorn agitating the flock should be arrested and charged with felonies. 

Instead what we see going on is government actually encouraging this call to anarchy and chaos.  Not only are the crowds not being dispersed, but the police are being told to stand down.  The very people we rely upon, and who are sworn to protect us, are being crippled by our elected politicians from performing their mission.   They are being commanded to undergo retraining and adopt protocols that place their lives at risk.  Police are actually now being told that they should not employ their firearms in self defense unless they are first shot at. Our border patrol agents, and soldiers in the field are being told the same thing.  Yes.  Really.

I shouldn't  have to use labels such as Alinskyites, Marxists, Radical Leftists, Revolutionaries, Community Organizers, Islamists, or Civil Rights Activists to convince you that action to stop this madness needs to be taken.  When the government no longer fulfills its primary mission, the leadership must be changed.  This is not just incompetence we are experiencing, this is treason.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

There Is No Such Thing as a Moderate Republican

It has become quite clear that the Establishment Republican Party is simply no longer "Republican".  The evidence for this is Obama and Harry Reid lobbying aggressively to pass the #CRomnibus, a bill that funds all of the reviled progressive programs of ObamaCare and Executive Amnesty.  Acting just like the Democrats did when ramming the ACA through Congress, Speaker John Boehner has broken promises made and has lied to fraudulently obtain passage of this budget.  Conservatives within the Party are being viciously attacked with personal smears and comparisons with terrorists.  The same kind of war is being waged right here in the Nevada State Legislature where RINO's are engaged in the politics of personal destruction in order to protect their control over the purse strings of the State.  Let me be perfectly clear.  I believe that there are no longer any so-called "moderate" Republicans.  It is a misnomer.  They are Big Government Statists with a mindset that government (and higher taxes) are the only solution to problems.  For me, and for other Conservatives this means war.  I will no longer "go along to get along" because every time I do, bad things happen and promises are not kept.  I will not be afraid of being labelled a terrorist, uncaring, racist, homophobic, sexist or whatever epithet you can think of being called.  Because no matter what I do, I will be slandered anyway.  So this is my message to my RINO friends both nationally and here in Nevada.....  I will no longer be passive and let you get away with raising my taxes or extending taxes you promised would sunset.  I will no longer tolerate your enabling large social programs that limit my freedom and destroy this country.  If you do, I will actively seek your recall.  If that is unsuccessful I will make sure you have a primary opponent in 2016.  I will not contribute to the official party or any of its affiliates but only to the direct campaigns of candidates or members of Congress that have been vetted and have a track record of following the Constitution.  I will write letters to the editor of newspapers weekly objectively establishing your legal and moral disqualification for office.  I will speak the Truth to your face and to anyone else who will listen, and I will not be silenced. I will not let you publish baseless accusations and utter falsehoods against me.  I will actively work to raise funds to engage in a variety of tactics that will marginalize you, render you impotent, and ultimately defeat you so that you will never be able to exercise control over my life again.  I urge my friends and colleagues as well as anyone else who feels the same way to please share this posting and contact me about setting up working groups to take a stand here and now. God Bless Us All.