Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Why we need cops and guns

I find it quite disturbing that there seems to be two very ugly trends taking place right now.  The first is a coordinated attack on local police departments.  This is accomplished by community organizing activities often with the guidance of professional agitators, that casts all police departments as being racist or engaging in racial profiling. To make things worse, the DOJ then is either called in to investigate and take control or they just decide to do it themselves.  The second ugly trend is an all out attack on the Second Amendment.  This administration has signed international trade agreements and treaties that call for outright disarmament of civilian populations. The President has indicated he will act in accordance with these agreements with or without Senate approval.  Within the last week, using his pen, and the obsequious and powerful federal agencies at his disposal, regulations have been issued which severely impact an individual's’ exercise of their constitutional rights.  So you may ask “Why is this happening?”  The answer is rather straightforward.  The administration has less than two years left to accomplish the “fundamental transformation” of America.  In order to achieve its goal of complete, central, and authoritarian power in that time, the people must be rendered defenseless.  And there you have it.  Destroy local police departments and take away everyone’s firearms. 

1 comment:

  1. It's happening, it's evident and there's not even an attempt to veil it or make it discreet that they are taking away our rights, freedoms and 2nd Amendment, dismantling us piece by piece. Are we such sheeple that we allow this go on unchecked? We are too frantic trying to make ends meet, getting the kids to soccer practice on time and keeping the house and home going. I pray we wake up before it's too late.
