Monday, June 1, 2015

RINO Treachery Post-Mortem

By Rick Fineberg

June 1, 2015

It's bad enough that the Nevada Legislature just approved the largest tax hike in history, now I just heard on the radio that they're thinking of raising the minimum wage after previously refusing to do so.

Honestly folks, I can't tell the difference anymore between the Progressive Socialists aka Democrats and the establishment donor class Republicans. I do have more respect for the Democrats because they don't try to hide who they are. On the other hand we have a number of RINO hypocrites running around and campaigning to get elected that they're the "most conservative" politicians who will uphold the principles of free markets, limited government, and individual liberty. They profess to be ardent supporters of the Second Amendment. They champion their support for less regulation on business and that they will "sunset" temporary taxes. They bloviate about the dangers of enacting margin taxes that will be job killers.

To put it mildly, they were all less than truthful.

If the Governor had asked for your vote so that he could raise your taxes by $1.5 billion, would you have voted for him? Did he tell you when he first ran for office that he'd be all in for ObamaCare, that he'd be all in for the expansion of Medicaid, and that he'd push Common Core down your throats?

When Pat Hickey ran for the Assembly, did he tell you he would author a bill that would give drivers' licenses to illegal aliens? Did he tell you that he'd vote to extend taxes which were promised to sunset three times, and then vote to make those tax increases permanent?

Did Greg Brower tell you that he would run his committee just like Harry Reid and prevent bills like campus carry from even getting a hearing?

Did John Hambrick warn you that he'd do a complete about face and break almost every promise he'd made?

There's a great deal of anger at what has just happened in our legislature, and I share that anger. It's justifiable anger too. These turncoat politicians are clearly tone deaf to the will of the people who rejected higher taxes just last November by an 80% margin. What's even worse is that just like POTUS, they demonstrate an almost psychopathic narcissism and arrogance about their actions. In a kind of disconnect from reality, they cloak their treachery with claims that are patently false. With a straight face they proclaimed that the increase payroll and modified business taxes "wouldn't be harmful". But perhaps the most dangerous and yet subtle canard is that these tax hikes are "needed", and that we have to provide more funding for "the children".

Our State Controller, Ron Knecht and Assemblyman Jim Wheeler took up the Governors' challenge and proposed an alternative budget that would not have increased taxes at all. And if you go back and look at newspapers from the last 30 years, you'll find the education establishment during each and every election cycle whining that they need more tax dollars.

All I can say is no more excuses. Hold on to your anger. Don't forget this betrayal. Make sure every politician who broke their promise to you on these very important issues is challenged when they run for election again. Never believe anything they say again. Never contribute to them. Write letters to your newspapers expressing your disgust with these politicians for what they have done, and also when homes are lost, businesses close, and people lose their jobs.

Most importantly, talk to your neighbors and strangers every chance you get and educate them. Inform them of the issues and how they will be affected. Remind them how important it is to vet candidates for office and look at their records and actions and not just listen to their empty rhetoric.

Thanks for allowing me to vent my frustration. I feel a little better now. God bless us all.

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