Monday, June 18, 2012

Our extra-Constitutional President

One of the huge gripes I have about this administration is that it apparently thinks itself "above the law" when it comes to getting its agenda enacted.  Repeatedly, King Barry while professing to be an authority on the Constitution, acts like it says nothing about the other two branches of government.  When the Supreme Court looks like it is not going to rule the way Our Supreme Leader desires, he attacks the members of the court personally.  When Congress opposes his policies, The Great Omniscient One attacks it for being lazy and good-for-nothing. His Majesty Barack Obama then proceeds to tell us that he "just can't wait", and in order to save us poor serfs, he issues declarations and edicts. And if you oppose one of his political appointments, Our Magnificent Leader either creates a position with powers not granted by the Constitution, or outright violates the laws and long-standing Senate Rules adopted by both parties.  Perhaps even more disturbing is that our elected members of Congress lack the political will to stop the President from destroying the Constitution and robbing us of our God-given individual rights.  Instead, the political class of both parties is playing a cruel trick on the electorate by doing nothing and hoping to retain their position and power through the next election.  I've got news for them.  They're going to get thrown out on their asses in November.

1 comment:

  1. You betcha! I think the American public is getting wise to these "do nothing" tactics and will find better substitutes for some of those positions. We can't do much worse than have a bunch of RINOs who sit on their hands while the Constitution is being violated daily, especially when we think they are on our team, but they really aren't.
