Sunday, June 17, 2012

Yet another blog?

So you might be asking, "Why start yet another political blog?"  The simple answer is that I am more afraid for the future of our country than I have ever been at any other time in my life.  This same fear drove me to become active on Twitter (where you can find me @RenoDude50 . The idea of an all-powerful centralized government being the cure for every societal issue is abhorrent to me. I'm tired of out of touch intellectuals and effete narcissists telling me what is best for me and demanding I conform to their ideas.  I'm tired of selective enforcement of laws and politicians who lack the political courage to stand up for the Constitution.  And I'm tired of the so called main stream media that have gotten so far away from their traditional watchdog role that they are irrelevant.  I may just be another individual voice in the ether, but for my own sanity I have to join the chorus with other courageous patriots calling for a return to American values and Common Sense.

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