Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pat Condell Says It All

I haven't posted much these days.  I'm experiencing what many of my friends are going through, and that's political information overload.  On top of that, it's mostly very, very bad.  I've been particularly distressed at what has happened in Libya, and what is going on in the rest of the world over a meaningless video trailer produced months before, but just now being used as an excuse to incite violence against America.  Making matters even worse is our Muslim in the Whitehouse apologizing to every jihadist who will lend an ear, and next week going to the UN so he can apologize yet AGAIN to the entire world.  Now the new Islamist President of Egypt is threatening America with more violence unless we neuter our First Amendment rights. Pathetic.  Anyway, here's my politically incorrect friend, Pat Condell speaking out on the subject that I highly recommend.!

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