Sunday, November 11, 2012

2012 Post Election Thoughts: Am I OK?

Dear Friends,
I was asked yesterday if I was "okay" ... and frankly the answer is no, not at all, not even close. As with a death in the family, I'm on auto-pilot right now, just going through the motions in a world that has fundamentally changed for the worse and will never be the same again. I haven't slept much in several days, with my mind trying to understand what happened on Tuesday. I try to relax, to calm myself by reading, listening to music ... nothing has worked because my thoughts keep instantly returning to the fact that the country I grew up believing in and loving died this week ... and not from a major catastrophe compliments of Mother Nature, a Biblical plague, or an invasion of a foreign country ... worse ... what once was the greatest country in the world committed suicide by voting to reward wrong! 

The new norm? I truly don't understand. 

Unless one admits to being a leech, a thief, a traitor, or complete ignoramus ... i.e., a Kool-Aid gulping Progressive (there are no more Democrats), how could anyone vote for four more years of the worst President, bar none, in the history of this country?
I understand why some would vote for Obama the first time, though I didn't agree ... Here was someone with no known history, an empty shell onto which noble principals might be projected...the soaring rhetoric certainly sounded good and it was a chance to pat oneself on the back for putting the first black man in the Oval Office. I even understand how the brain dead, stupified by the incessant braying of the national media, could see their original vote for Obama as a negation of the George Bush years. But now? How does one ignore all the stuff that has happened in the last four years? How? 

How does someone vote for a party that booed God at their convention? How does a Jew vote for regime that shows disdain for our only Mideast friend, Israel, and is about to allow Iran to go nuclear? How does a Catholic vote for the party that tramples on religious freedom through mandates about abortion and contraception in Obamacare? How does one ignore what happened in Libya on 9/11 ... an administration that for misguided political expediency ignored our embassy's requests for security, watched four Americans murdered and did nothing as pleas of help were sent its way for over seven hours, and then lied to the American people for weeks and covered up what actually took place and why?
How does one ignore the Justice Department breaking the law with its Fast and Furious program and giving weapons to Mexican criminals which has resulted in over a hundred deaths, including the loss of United States Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry ... or the stonewalling which is still taking place by administration officials who do not make themselves available to Congressional investigators or by the President in the exercise of questionable "Executive Privilege?" How does someone ignore crony capitalism gone wild as millions of taxpayer dollars to go into Obama donor pockets under the disguise of "green" investments in solar energy like Solyndra and so many others? How does one ignore the cost of gasoline? How does one ignore the rising costs of simple groceries these days? How does one justify the killing of thousands of jobs by cancelling the Keystone Pipeline ... a project which would have brought us closer to energy independence and lowered energy costs?
If all this doesn't grab you, how about burying your head in the sand about our country going TRILLIONS of dollars deeper in debt and borrowing money from the Chinese just to pay the interest on the debt that we borrowed? Did you Libtards ever wonder why foreign leaders who support Obama are murderous Socialist thugs like Putin, Chavez, and Castro? Did you ever question policies that resulted in unemployment numbers being over 8% for over 40 months? How could you sit back and say nothing while the race card was played against anyone that opposed the hideous policies of this administration? Was anyone not aware of the hypocrisy of the Left calling for "civility" in political discourse while labeling a decent man that has provided thousands with jobs and given millions to charity a felon and a murderer?
How does someone prefer a bombastic idiot like Joe Biden over a man like Paul Ryan? How can over 60% of the country want Obamacare repealed, and yet vote in a manner that locks it in, quite possibly forever, guaranteeing high costs and government bureaucrats making life and death decisions about people's healthcare? How can this President be given four more years when he has established himself as so mendacious as to make a serial liar like Bill Clinton look like a fountain of veracity and light? How can a vote be given to a cast of vermin that sues its own states for trying to protect their borders or prevent voter fraud by requiring a photo ID at polling stations?
How can anyone who believes in the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution cast their ballot for the communist and socialist vipers Obama has appointed to various government offices, or how he has used a myriad of executive orders to rule when his wants conflicted with laws passed by Congress? And on and on ... a vote Tuesday for Obama was a vote to ignore all the horrors that have been taking place on a daily basis since he was sworn in! Get ready for FOUR MORE YEARS IN HELL. 

And yet that is what happened Tuesday, November 6, 2012. 

I live in a country called America, but it has barely any resemblance whatsoever to the nation I was born into or have read about in history books all my life ... a special place that was a beacon of freedom and offered the chance for a person to become successful and participate in the American Dream through their own labors. My America was never a land of wealth re-distribution, class warfare, and millions of people looking to government to provide for them from womb to tomb like the "Life of Julia".
So no, I'm not okay ... and with the situation as it is I'm not sure I ever will be again. What I am at the moment is angry, sad, bitter, ashamed, sick, hurt, confused, disappointed and very fearful. I wonder if there is a word that blends all those feelings together ... if there is such a word I can't think of it right now. 

I am grateful to my friends, my family, and to God for the small amount of comfort I may still enjoy.
Richard Fineberg November 11, 2012

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