Wednesday, November 19, 2014

1. If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it.

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

3. This administration is the most transparent, ever.

4. Our borders are more secure now than ever.

5. Obama's executive order is just what Reagan and G.H.W. Bush did.

6. Benghazi was a reaction to an anti-Muslim internet video.

7. Your health insurance premiums are going to be reduced by $2500 per year.

8. There's not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.

9. Bill Ayers is just some guy I met at a fundraiser at his house.

10. Jonathan Gruber? Never heard of him.

11. We've defeated core Al Queida, and ISIS is a JV basketball team.

12. America is not a Christian country.

13. America is not exceptional.

14. I won't have any lobbyists in my administration.

15. There's nobody more outraged about the VA abuse than me.

16. All healthcare negotiations will be broadcast on C-SPAN.

17. I'll reduce the deficit by 50% before the end of my first year in office.

18. The border fence is "basically" complete.

19. I did not set a "red line". The world set it.

20. We've got shovel-ready jobs all across America to be funded.

21. The NSA is completely transparent and doesn't collect data on citizens.

22. Before I sign a bill I will post it online for 5 days.

23. I will not support the Patriot Act.

24. I will close Guantanamo Bay.

25. I promise to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

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