Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Does the GOP have a future?

Immediately after the first leadership team was ELECTED in the Nevada Republican Assembly Caucus, Gov. Sandoval tweeted that "our team is in place" and expressed his desire to work with them and "get going".
This ugly chaos could have been nipped in the bud if the Governor would have stood by his comments and expressed confidence in his "team".  Instead in the most disdainful and cowardly manner, he stepped back while the donor-class Republicans made their move to purge any conservative from a leadership role in the Assembly. When confronted with the situation, Gov. Sandoval meekly distanced himself from the whole sordid affair by stating this was a "legislative concern", and not something he would be commenting upon.
Hmm, never stopped him before.
Here in Nevada as in Washington, DC, Republicans have joined with Democrats to destroy any political influence that people who believe in lower taxes, smaller government, less regulation, and more personal freedom might have.
This is an enormous mistake for the Republican Party.
I've previously posted comments by pollster Pat Cadell who states he's never seen a political party so alienated from its base. He wonders if today's Republican party may go the way of the Whigs.
The "base" of the Republican party is large, expressed its will last November. They are very angry at what they see going on, and the infantile retaliation already being meted out by the donor-class Republicans against those who would challenge their orthodoxy. I predict the "base" is not going to be fooled again. They will not forget.
If you want to see the lowest voter turnout in history, just run Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush in 2016.

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