Sunday, January 11, 2015

We don't need no education !

I turned on my radio for some background noise today and found myself listening to one of those public interest radio shows about Nevada.  This show happened to feature a panel of northern Nevada's   "finest high school students" from varying disciplines.  Asked what issues were important to them and what they wanted to talk about, the topics of immigration, foreign policy, and school dress codes and gender equality were mentioned.

Now I do want to say up front that from what I heard, these are bright kids.  But in a very short time it also became quite clear to me that they'd never taken a course in logic, and there was no indication in any of their answers that they were capable of critical thought.

As different students voiced their opinions on these and other topics, all I heard was the parroting of several radical-Left, progressive memes.

The influence of the "Blame America" crowd was on full display as these high school students portrayed the United States as blatantly racist, with a poor record towards women, minorities, and immigrants.  Our greatness was achieved only through exploitation and conquest. We're now reaping what we have sown.

All of our modern problems with terrorism today are only because we have inserted our military into the affairs of other countries the world over.  A young lady remarked "we need to understand (empathize) and cooperate with our enemies" because there is no military solution to anything,

On immigration, everyone thought it terribly unfair that there were legal and economic impediments to the ability of a poor, uneducated person just stepping across the border and becoming a citizen.  A male student said: "I heard some people say they want to have a 50 caliber machine gun on the border and just shoot anything that moves." Some one please tell this guy what a "straw man argument" is.  Oh, and in case you didn't know, "Immigrants do the jobs that Americans won't."

It was after hearing a student panelist wonder if dress codes were discriminatory and may have a disparate impact on females that I had to turn the radio off.

Really?   I feel sorry for these students.  I don't think they're getting any bang for their bucks, energy, time or effort.  They are being robbed of their future because our schools are not instilling skills or values that will be the tools for their future success.

If this is what an education today means, "we don't need none of it."


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