Monday, December 22, 2014

Prelude to Anarchy

Prelude to Anarchy                                                                                December 22, 2014

I have to wonder if the assassination of the two policemen in NYC could have been avoided.  It's hard to say of course, and any comment would be speculation.  However, I think I can certainly say that something is wrong when our leaders actually encourage what former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani referred to as "an atmosphere of police hatred".

Given such a volatile environment, why are not laws related to "Incitement to Riot" being enforced?  This is not protected speech.  What we are seeing is a call to violence against police officers.  When the crowd begins to chant "Kill the cops NOW!" , the gathering should be declared an illegal assembly, the crowd should be dispersed, resistors should be arrested and charged, and the Marxist, Islamist, Race-Baiter with the bullhorn agitating the flock should be arrested and charged with felonies. 

Instead what we see going on is government actually encouraging this call to anarchy and chaos.  Not only are the crowds not being dispersed, but the police are being told to stand down.  The very people we rely upon, and who are sworn to protect us, are being crippled by our elected politicians from performing their mission.   They are being commanded to undergo retraining and adopt protocols that place their lives at risk.  Police are actually now being told that they should not employ their firearms in self defense unless they are first shot at. Our border patrol agents, and soldiers in the field are being told the same thing.  Yes.  Really.

I shouldn't  have to use labels such as Alinskyites, Marxists, Radical Leftists, Revolutionaries, Community Organizers, Islamists, or Civil Rights Activists to convince you that action to stop this madness needs to be taken.  When the government no longer fulfills its primary mission, the leadership must be changed.  This is not just incompetence we are experiencing, this is treason.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

There Is No Such Thing as a Moderate Republican

It has become quite clear that the Establishment Republican Party is simply no longer "Republican".  The evidence for this is Obama and Harry Reid lobbying aggressively to pass the #CRomnibus, a bill that funds all of the reviled progressive programs of ObamaCare and Executive Amnesty.  Acting just like the Democrats did when ramming the ACA through Congress, Speaker John Boehner has broken promises made and has lied to fraudulently obtain passage of this budget.  Conservatives within the Party are being viciously attacked with personal smears and comparisons with terrorists.  The same kind of war is being waged right here in the Nevada State Legislature where RINO's are engaged in the politics of personal destruction in order to protect their control over the purse strings of the State.  Let me be perfectly clear.  I believe that there are no longer any so-called "moderate" Republicans.  It is a misnomer.  They are Big Government Statists with a mindset that government (and higher taxes) are the only solution to problems.  For me, and for other Conservatives this means war.  I will no longer "go along to get along" because every time I do, bad things happen and promises are not kept.  I will not be afraid of being labelled a terrorist, uncaring, racist, homophobic, sexist or whatever epithet you can think of being called.  Because no matter what I do, I will be slandered anyway.  So this is my message to my RINO friends both nationally and here in Nevada.....  I will no longer be passive and let you get away with raising my taxes or extending taxes you promised would sunset.  I will no longer tolerate your enabling large social programs that limit my freedom and destroy this country.  If you do, I will actively seek your recall.  If that is unsuccessful I will make sure you have a primary opponent in 2016.  I will not contribute to the official party or any of its affiliates but only to the direct campaigns of candidates or members of Congress that have been vetted and have a track record of following the Constitution.  I will write letters to the editor of newspapers weekly objectively establishing your legal and moral disqualification for office.  I will speak the Truth to your face and to anyone else who will listen, and I will not be silenced. I will not let you publish baseless accusations and utter falsehoods against me.  I will actively work to raise funds to engage in a variety of tactics that will marginalize you, render you impotent, and ultimately defeat you so that you will never be able to exercise control over my life again.  I urge my friends and colleagues as well as anyone else who feels the same way to please share this posting and contact me about setting up working groups to take a stand here and now. God Bless Us All.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

1. If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it.

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

3. This administration is the most transparent, ever.

4. Our borders are more secure now than ever.

5. Obama's executive order is just what Reagan and G.H.W. Bush did.

6. Benghazi was a reaction to an anti-Muslim internet video.

7. Your health insurance premiums are going to be reduced by $2500 per year.

8. There's not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS.

9. Bill Ayers is just some guy I met at a fundraiser at his house.

10. Jonathan Gruber? Never heard of him.

11. We've defeated core Al Queida, and ISIS is a JV basketball team.

12. America is not a Christian country.

13. America is not exceptional.

14. I won't have any lobbyists in my administration.

15. There's nobody more outraged about the VA abuse than me.

16. All healthcare negotiations will be broadcast on C-SPAN.

17. I'll reduce the deficit by 50% before the end of my first year in office.

18. The border fence is "basically" complete.

19. I did not set a "red line". The world set it.

20. We've got shovel-ready jobs all across America to be funded.

21. The NSA is completely transparent and doesn't collect data on citizens.

22. Before I sign a bill I will post it online for 5 days.

23. I will not support the Patriot Act.

24. I will close Guantanamo Bay.

25. I promise to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

"But if it saves just one child..."

I apologize for the misleading title to today's blog.  This rant has nothing to do with child safety but with the subject of "Gun Control", and specifically the latest Progressive push for "universal background checks."  This issue is close to home since Michael Bloombergs' "Moms Demand" group is funneling millions of dollars into Nevada right now trying to gather enough signatures to qualify a universal background check proposition that will go to our legislature.  If they are able to collect enough qualifying signatures the legislature must vote.  If they defeat the measure, that's not the end of things for the proposition then will appear on a ballot to be voted upon in the next general election.  I suspect the Nevada Assembly will reject the bill, giving political cover to themselves by leaving the issue to be decided by the "will of the people" who will ultimately have to decide the final outcome.  If there is anyone out there who does not know what "universal background checks" means, it is that every transfer of a firearm of any kind will have to be run through the national instant criminal background check system or NICS.  At a minimum this means that before grandpa can give his Ruger 10/22 to his grandson or granddaughter, he'll have to go to a federal firearms licensee and pay $25 to make sure that among other things, little Johnny doesn't have a criminal record, is mentally competent, hasn't renounced his US citizenship, or is addicted to drugs.  The Progs will tell you that this will prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands, will eliminate gun violence, and will enable police to trace firearms that have been used in the commission of crime.  The only problem with this argument is that it is false and based on assumptions that are created out of whole cloth.

My inspiration for writing about this today was because I had an interesting encounter with one of Bloomberg's petition gatherers in the parking lot of my local Costco.  I had just left the store and was walking back to my motorcycle when a pleasant looking middle aged woman wearing blue jeans and a western shirt approached and asked "Sir, would you like to see the government regulate and tax sales of marijuana."  I responded by saying that it sounded like she was advocating for the legalization of recreational use of weed.  I then told her that I would prefer that adults be left to do what they wished and that government not get involved at all just so they could suck up even more tax dollars to create a slush fund to support their crony enterprises.  (Here in Nevada, medical marijuana has now been authorized and the schools are slated to get 75% of the tax revenues.  It's always "for the children" isn't it?).  This response caught the woman a bit off guard and her comment was to say that "Well, the 1st Amendment guarantees the people's right to petition government, just like with gun control". At that moment I took notice of the fact that this woman actually had several clipboards with her and so I bluntly asked if she was also circulating one of Bloomberg's universal background check petitions.  BINGO.  This was the opportunity that I was waiting for where I could try to "educate" a low information voter being paid $10 per hour about the the folly of her endeavour. As a small crowd began to gather in the parking lot of Costco, I explained that no crimes had ever been solved based on the performance of a gun check; that no recent shooting sprees including Ft. Hood, Columbine, Aurora, or Sandy Hook elementary would have been prevented by universal background checks; nor would any criminal be deterred for that matter by the enactment of such laws.  What this all amounted to was just another infringement on the Second Amendment, and another burden placed upon law abiding citizens who have a legitimate right to defend themselves, and their family.  My words apparently had little effect on the Bloomberg acolyte who made a huge mistake when she said to me, "You need to read what the Founding Fathers had to say on that."  Having practiced law for 35 years and being a blogger and advocate for shooting sports and in support of the Second Amendment, this was all I needed to hear from her.  For the next 10 minutes I gave her a lecture on Constitutional law, the Federalist Papers, the Constitutional Convention, and liberally quoted the Founding Fathers including Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Franklin.  I posed the ultimate question of course asking her "Just what about 'Shall Not Infringe' is it that you don't understand"? At the conclusion of my soliloquy, the small crowd now standing around applauded, leaving the humiliated low information voter with nothing left to say but "Have a good day."

We have to understand that the Progressives are pushing their agenda hard, and they never let up.  Look how a question about regulating sales of marijuana quickly morphed into universal background checks.  Look at how the liberalization of drugs is being promoted by the same groups that would infringe your Constitutional rights.  Let me implore anyone who is asked to sign one of these "astro turf" gun control petitions to similarly educate these ill-informed persons and all those around within hearing, of the dangers of what is being proposed.  Get in their faces.  Challenge them. The future of the Republic really does depend on all of us law abiding citizens standing up and getting our voices heard.  Molon Labe.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Where's the outrage?

Riddle me this! Every day some lie, fabrication, or falsehood published by the government is revealed.  And it's not just about the small stuff.  It's about the really serious stuff that matters. We know we're hearing a lie when we're told that our southern border is "more secure than ever"; there's not a "smidgen of evidence" of corruption at the IRS; or that a "disgusting internet video"  was responsible for the death of  four American patriots in Benghazi. And let's not forget "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan".  Nobody I know is feeling more secure today than they were six years ago. So the question is this.... Why aren't people marching on Washington? Why haven't the villagers grabbed to their pitchforks and torches and filled the streets as they close in on Frankenstein mansion?

Friday, August 22, 2014



Recently, I was asked to be part of a Republican Party "Outreach Committee", described to me as "...the committee works to expand positive relations with a variety of communities - Women, Jewish,Latinos, etc." Now for full disclosure, I am Jewish. I understood that the individual extending the invitation to me was well-intentioned, and most likely wanted me to strategize on ways to increase minority participation in the Republican Party. I had to decline because the whole approach of the establishment Republican Party on this matter is based on the false premise that you gain votes by catering to interest groups. I am fundamentally opposed to viewing the country as multiple ethnic-gender-racial-age-sexual preference groups and then making very narrow promises tailored to the audience being addressed. I'm setting out my reply to the invitation here because I do believe we need to start thinking in more common, values oriented and conservative ways.


I appreciate the invite but I have to decline. I'm not interested in "identity" politics. This is the trap that the GOP has fallen into where they engage in the same kind of balkanization of the body politic, and then go around trying to appease each as if they were a distinct voting block. Rather than pandering to differences in various groups, we should be promoting common American cultural and political values. I'm sick of the chattering class of political consultants and RINO's who think that the only way we'll get Hispanics to vote Republican is to pass "comprehensive" immigration reform. I'm tired of Republicans that are afraid to support traditional notions of marriage because they want to appease the LGBT community. I'm disgusted with a GOP that refuses to confront a lawless administration because they're afraid of being seen as racist. I refuse to support a party that has become indistinguishable from the Democrat party because they cater to the demands of the "takers" and that has abdicated its role as the champion of limited government and free markets. At this point in time, I believe the Washoe GOP has fallen ill with the same sickness that has taken over the RNC nationally. There are no more leaders in the GOP. They are a reactive bunch of cowards and hypocrites intent on hanging on to whatever power they can, making promises they don't believe in and can't keep just to get elected. I want to throw up every time I hear conservatives and the Tea Party maligned by the same people who say we shouldn't attack our fellow Republicans; who argue we shouldn't make endorsements before primaries, and then go out and declare their favorites in advance of the election; and who swear they'll fight to repeal or defund ObamaCare to their "last dying breath" and then turn around and try to "fix" it. No... I'm afraid I can't be part of a process that will destroy the Republican party.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Trayvon’s Tragedy Revisited - A tale of political opportunity

Trayvon’s Tragedy Revisited - A tale of political opportunity

I ordinarily don’t “go public” and outside my circle of political junkies to speak out on controversial subjects.  But because of my abiding convictions in support of the concept of individual responsibility, and of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America, several months ago I broke with that routine to write my thoughts about the tragic death of a Florida teen involving the discharge of a firearm. This commentary has been revised to reflect new information obtained since the trial of George Zimmerman for the alleged murder of Trayvon Martin.

I didn’t view what happened as a “racial” issue.  Nor did I see it in terms of “gun control”.  Both are political concepts that are emotionally charged, misunderstood by the general public, and for that reason frequently exploited to advance a political agenda or ideology.

At the very outset of this story, all the so called “facts” that we heard from every media outlet of every political leaning reported as follows:

1. An unarmed black teen, with emphasis on the black part, was shot.
2. The shooter was a white man.
3. The 911 call by the shooter contained a racial epithet or slur.
4. The only statement disclosed made by the teen was that he was “being followed.”
5. The grief stricken parents of the teen described their dead child as a kind and loving saint.
6. The white guy continued to pursue the teen even after being told to break his pursuit off.
7. The police failed to charge the shooter, or even to relieve him of his weapon.
8. The shooter claimed self defense under Florida’s “stand your ground” law.

When I first heard the reporting of this incident I had the same visceral reaction of disgust and sorrow as many of you probably had as well.  Then my rational brain started working.  The first thing I thought was that it was rather strange to me that the police had neither charged the shooter, nor had they taken his gun away from him. If these facts were true, and that the shooter had pursued his victim, the “stand your ground” law wouldn’t even apply.   Having practiced law for over 30 years, and leading a gun education group for seniors, I have more than a passing knowledge of the “stand your ground laws” and police protocols.  Nothing seemed to fit.  If I were to believe the reported description of what had happened, I couldn’t understand why the  shooter hadn’t been arrested or at the very least why he hadn’t been relieved of his gun.  I turned to my wife and I said “Something isn’t right here.  There has got to be a lot more to this story.”

And now, with most of the facts of this tragedy having become known, we have learned things were quite different.  

Playing the “race” card
Mr. Zimmerman is neither entirely “white”, nor is he Jewish.  He is of hispanic and white heritage, just like Trayvon who is of black and white heritage. However, because race means everything to the Left, and the lame stream media, we learned of a new racial description never heard before.  Say hello to the “white-hispanic”.

Then there is the matter of the 9-1-1 call. I heard the 9-1-1 call.  I didn’t hear anything even approaching a racial slur. I heard a clear conversation between Zimmerman and the 911 operator.  The “N” word was never used. Zimmerman responded directly to questions the operator asked.  But the audio file that MSNBC played was purposefully doctored to make it appear George Zimmerman was racially profiling Trayvon Martin.   

“He was just a child”
There is no grief greater than that experience by a mother who has lost her child. Propagandists are most successful when they can attach that powerful emotional element to their message. And so, the media portrayed Trayvon as a defenseless and innocent child who was murdered while holding some Skittles and ice tea. The picture the media displayed of Trayvon was taken several years earlier and showed a sweet, baby-faced boy. You didn’t see the picture of the strapping 6’2” tall  football player. You didn’t see the pictures on Trayvon’s cellphone of him throwin’ out some gang signs while smoking a joint.  You weren’t told that a drug cocktail popular with teens was tea, skittles, cough medicine and whatever sundry prescription drugs could be thrown into the mix.  All of this brings us to my final observation on the matter.

All the news (we deem) unfit to print.
Perhaps most revealing however was the media blackout until the trial, of the existence of a  witness who had come forward describing a far different picture and one that supports the conduct of the police. The unnamed witness described Trayvon on top of Zimmerman and beating him.  Zimmermans’ shirt had grass stains on the back, and his face was bloodied.  Even more startling was the testimony of the witness that Zimmerman had broken off his pursuit, and was returning to his SUV when he was attacked by Trayvon.  This was a very different version of events that if revealed would have cast doubt on the claim that a “hate crime” had been committed.

Lessons to be learned
First of all, it is obvious that we should not to jump to conclusions until all the facts are known.  That’s why we have a judicial system and due process guaranteed by the Constitution.

The second point to note is that persons with an ideological agenda will seize upon certain situations, politically exploit them, distort them, and agitate for their view of the world. Someone please remind President Obama of this so that next time he won’t go out and say something stupid and inflammatory like “If I had a son he’d look like Trayvon.”

The bottom line is that we need to start acting as rational, civil citizens of our country and carefully evaluate all that we hear and see, especially when our information is coming from someone or some organization with an axe to grind.