Tuesday, January 20, 2015

We Need True Leadership

There's been a lot of talk lately about "leadership" and whether or not our elected representatives are demonstrating it.  What exactly does leadership mean?   

Let me start by giving you my definition of leadership. For me, leadership is an act. It is a decision to take a stand in order to encourage, inspire or motivate others to move with you. What's more, the most effective leaders do not rely on their title, or power, to lead. Rather it is the assertion of their personal character combined with their use of strategic influence that makes them effective leaders. This implies of course that there is a platform from which to lead.  The support for that platform comes from our values and beliefs. For the true leader there is a defined goal, and the ability to lead others in achieving it.  For our political leaders the goal is established by communicating with the electors.  A leader listens to the People.  A leader finds out what works and what doesn't work and fashions  policies that will advance the general well being of the citizenry.  Most importantly a real leader acts to the best of his ability to fulfill the promises made to the people who elected him.

So do you think that we are getting any leadership from our elected representatives?  

I don't think we are, and increasingly large numbers of people don't think so either. The reason for this disappointment in our elected politicians is that they campaign on promises that they don't keep. Through several election cycles candidates for office have been making very specific promises in order to deal with very specific issues. This isn't simply promising that you will work to create jobs, or improve the economy, or reform our immigration policy.

By way of illustration, let me mention just 25 broken promises made to the country by our President:

1. If you like your health insurance plan, you can keep it.

2. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

3. This administration is the most transparent, ever.

4. Our borders are more secure now than ever.

5. My executive orders are just what Reagan and Bush did.

6. Benghazi was a reaction to an anti-Muslim internet video.

7. Your health insurance premiums are going to be reduced by $2500 per year.

8. There's not a smidgeon of corruption at the IRS.

9. Bill Ayers is just some guy I met in the neighborhood.

10. Jonathan Gruber? Never heard of him.

11. We've defeated core Al Qaeda, and ISIS is a JV basketball team.

12. America is not a Christian country.

13. America is not exceptional.

14. I won't have any lobbyists in my administration.

15. There's nobody more outraged about the VA abuse than me.

16. All healthcare negotiations will be broadcast on C-SPAN.

17. I'll reduce the deficit by 50% before the end of my first year in office.

18. The border fence is "basically" complete.

19. I did not set a "red line". The world set it.

20. We've got shovel-ready jobs all across America to be funded.

21. The NSA is completely transparent and doesn't collect data on citizens.

22. Before I sign a bill I will post it online for 5 days.

23. I will not support the Patriot Act.

24. I will close Guantanamo Bay.

25. I promise to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

There is a disconnect between the professional political class and the voters. We have been lied to plain and simple. The people have lost trust with their elected representatives. All of this is very dangerous because it represents a failure of the political system. And once the people feel the political system has failed, apathy sets in and history teaches us that chaos and revolution is not far behind.

In the last several election cycles, the voters have sent a very clear messages to Congress. We have said we don't want our taxes raised. We have said that we want Obama-care to be stopped by any means possible including de-funding and outright repeal. We have demanded that before citizenship rights are extended to those criminally entering the country, we should strengthen our borders.  We demanded new leadership in Congress.  We want those bad actors who commit crimes to be held accountable. 

In last November's election we told our representatives loud and clear, we want you to oppose Obama's policies.  We did not tell our representatives we want you to compromise where compromise means giving something up and getting nothing in return. We did not tell them to increase the size of government and raise the deficit to $18 trillion. We did not tell them to abdicate their legislative role and grant law-like regulatory powers to gargantuan bureaucracies. We didn't tell them we want to have our business taxes raised, have service fees imposed, and endure crushing regulations imposed upon us that diminish our freedom and opportunity.  We didn't tell them we need to nationalize our healthcare system and do the same with our educational system via Common Core.  And we certainly didn't tell them that it was ok to pretend the Constitution doesn't really apply to them, because they're smarter, they know better, and are morally superior to you and me. 

But, that's exactly what happened. When House Speaker John Boehner had the opportunity to do so, he didn't put an end to Obama care, he fully funded it.  After saying he would fight to block executive amnesty, he funded that too.  Right after the election, Mitch McConnel, the Senate Majority Leader, trotted out to a microphone to announce that he was "ready to work" with Obama. Whenever an opportunity arose to show any kind of leadership on the budget, the borders, even national security, the leaders in both the House and Senate took every tool in their arsenal out of play by promising that impeachment was off the table; there would be no government shutdown;  it's impossible to undo ObamaCare;  and that we are really not going to be able to do much about executive amnesty after all. 

Unfortunately, we face the same disconnect between our politicians and We the People right here in Nevada.  In his recent State of the State address, Gov. Sandoval broke virtually every campaign promise he made when he first ran for office in 2010.  In his campaign literature
the governor promised to:

1.      Balance the budget and solve the budget deficit in 2010 without raising taxes.
2.     Cut runaway spending by fighting to pass state spending caps that would rein in government  spending.
3.     Stop job killing tax increases that will kill Nevada jobs and weaken our ability to compete for new business.
4.     Reduce government bureaucracy because I'm a true conservative who believes in limited government and that limited government is the best government and I will fight for states' rights.
5.      End illegal immigration.  I oppose any plan that encourages or excuses illegal immigration and I support  the Arizona immigration law. From amnesty to driver's licenses for illegal immigrants Brian Sandoval says not now, not ever.  (Even I had to reread this one!)
6.      Protect Nevada values.  Gov. Sandoval opposes gay marriage and will work to preserve the definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

It is apparent that in Carson City we now have a well-connected corporate sponsored statist, bureaucratic, top-down, donor class gang of politicians more concerned about getting reelected than they are about the effects of their failed policies upon the citizens of Nevada.  Like John McCain in Arizona, the RINOs in our own Assembly have purged important leadership positions of conservatives. 

We don't have to accept this kind of government. The early founders of our great country who wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution had a different vision. They too were facing an intrusive, oppressive bureaucracy and a tax burden that crushed liberty and opportunity. And now it is time for us to return to that same vision of individual freedom, economic opportunity, and a government that protects property rights.

It is time "We the People" make it clear that we will no longer tolerate business as usual. We need to remind the politicians that have been elected, that they are our servants. Remind them of their campaign promises.  Let them know that there are no more excuses. Tell them where the lines have been drawn and that if they step over the line they're finished.  Let them know they will be challenged in every primary. Tell them that where possible, you will seek their removal from office. Write and call their office.  Write letters to the editor in support of your views and call out these politicians for their blatant hypocrisy. 

In the future it is vitally important that we elect true conservatives who believe in limited government, constitutional governance, no new taxes, and free markets unfettered by burdensome regulation. We need people to run for office who can be trusted to do what they say and not just give lip service to conservative principles. We need to elect people who have shown that they take their guidance from our Constitution. 

If we do this, we are fulfilling our responsibilities as citizens and voters and we might even have a shot at electing "true leaders".

1 comment:

  1. This is an extraordinary expose and RIGHT ON and in every aspect. Bravo for posting it again.... here we are, 10 months later and even in worse trouble than we were then. Heaven help us!
